Book Publishing

Books are an essential tool for knowledge and growth, but you don’t just have to be a consumer of them – why not write your own?! Writing a book is a fantastic addition to your business, organization, or personal brand, or it could be your entire business if you choose. The two main paths for writing books are traditional publishing and self-publishing, both with pros and cons.

Independent of the publishing route you decide upon, writing your own book means sharing your wisdom and experience with anyone who is interested in what you’re doing. It is an excellent way to build authority in your industry or for your personal brand, and writing can be done from anywhere. Books tend to be evergreen – lasting and selling for years or decades, without much additional work needing to be done after publication, making them a great stream of income. Publishing a book can also open doors to other opportunities such as invitations to speak at events, interviews on podcasts, and more.

Below we’ve listed our top recommendations for writing and publishing resources. We are currently looking into courses and hope to add some in the near future. There is also a list below of some helpful books to get you started in writing your own book.

What We Can Say

Have you ever asked a friend for their opinion on a legal, financial, or medical topic?

This is… somewhat like that.

We are not lawyers, doctors, or certified accountants, so we cannot give you legal, financial, or medical advice.

What we CAN give you is a carefully selected list of resources for finding those types of professional services along with many others. We can also provide our thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics related to businesses, nonprofits, personal growth, web design, and more – based on our experience.

If you’d like to learn more, please read our full disclaimer here.

Why We Can’t Guarantee

We cannot make any guarantees as to the results you may achieve through the products and services we recommend for the simple reason that we don’t know you!

Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

THE most important note – nothing that we promote or encourage on this site is a get-rich-quick scheme – can we all agree that success does not happen overnight? It doesn’t!

We believe it takes hard work, consistent effort, personal and professional growth, and compliance with legal and ethical practices in order to start and grow any source of income.

Please remember that all business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action.

If you’d like to learn more, please read our full disclaimer here.

How We Make Money

We cannot do this for free – but it won’t cost you extra either!

Some of the products and services we list on this site pay us a commission when someone signs up. Don’t worry – this does not cost you any extra, and we only include products and services we truly believe in.

Our mission is to help you get your business or nonprofit started and successful as quickly as possible, which is going to require various products and services along the way. We have curated this resource section to provide you with what we’ve found to be the best out there, though we may not be able to include every possible option here. In order to keep our site running and continue to offer guidance and resources to anyone seeking assistance, we partner with various businesses that we love and trust.

If you’d like to learn more, please read our full disclaimer here.

Self-Publishing Services

What They OfferAmazon allows for self-publishing of ebooks through their system, which opens up a massive market of potential buyers and readers.
Our ThoughtsSelf-publishing ebooks through Amazon is a great way to get started, though physical books might be a nice thing to add to your offerings in the future.
What They OfferAmazon is not just for ebooks – they also have a print-on-demand, physical book printing and publishing service called Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP.
Our ThoughtsThis is a great option, combining the vast reach that Amazon has with the option to print physical books; a logical next step after ebooks.