Get to Know Us!

Where to Start…

How satisfied are you with your current job, career, or livelihood? Are you living the lifestyle you desire and making the impact you know you’re capable of making? Do you ever feel like you’re wasting your potential?

Most importantly, do you feel fulfilled?

Too many of us end up stuck, discouraged, and unfulfilled by our professional lives. The importance of a paycheck is not to be taken lightly of course, but imagine if we could do what we love while also ensuring that it was financially sustainable?

That’s what The Ramen Phase is all about. It is our mission to help you find your purpose in life AND provide you with the resources to help you get there. We’re building not just a website, but a community and a movement around the opportunities that are out there to find and do what we each love.

Fueling Purpose with Profit

Welcome, Ramentrepreneurs!

Meet – The Ramen Phase. This website is designed to help you dream up your ideal future, discover the professional path that best fits your vision, delve into the resources and materials that can get you started and on your way, and encourage you to dare to go for what you’ve always truly wanted – a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Those are our four steps – dream, discover, delve, and dare.

Ready to get started? Head to the home page and follow the steps! Curious to learn more about us? Read on, my friend ->

Meet Our Founder

Hey there! My name is Sarah Pratt (codename sprattandcat online 😊) and I established The Ramen Phase to teach passionate people like you about the opportunities that exist to build your own business or nonprofit, design the lifestyle you most desire, create the impact that’s most meaningful to you, and escape the typical 9-5 so that you can enjoy the time you’ve been given.

I ended up in this business sphere not by a desire for profit and extravagance, but by a drive to make a real and lasting change in the world. Yes, I’m one of those 30-somethings who believes I can leave my mark on the world – I know, I know, typical millennial! But with the possibilities that exist nowadays, people are becoming millionaires every dayevery day! Imagine the changes we could bring about if we taught these methods to more of the passionate people who are determined to make a positive impact in the world.

We each have the ability to create a positive impact and therefore, I believe, the responsibility to do so.

Sarah Pratt / sprattandcat

We each have the ability to create a positive impact and therefore, I believe, the responsibility to do so.

Sarah Pratt / sprattandcat

> Compassion Over Convenience

If you’re curious – my mission is to learn how to run a successful business in order to then put those skills to use to establish a nonprofit organization. The biggest challenge with nonprofits is usually finding sufficient donors, grants, and the like. My goal is to use business principles, especially the automation and scale of online business, to create a self-sufficient and financially sustainable nonprofit organization.

That organization, more specifically, will be a shelter and sanctuary for homeless and abandoned cats. I feel a strong calling to assist with this group of animals in need and I can do that by starting an organization that can always ensure that they will be well taken care of until they can find their forever home. The vision goes even further though – to create this as a reproduceable model – so that once the first one is up and running and the concept has proven successful, additional shelters can be established in locations with the greatest need.

Through The Ramen Phase website, social media, and our Facebook group – MISO – I am determined to share everything I wish someone had told me as I got started. From simple how-to guides and personal growth articles to resources I wish I’d found much earlier, this site is dedicated to all of you out there who are also on a mission.

> Let’s Keep in Touch!

Putting myself out here like this is definitely a new experience, and it’s an experiment in both vulnerability and courage. Not only am I an introvert, but I’ve spent most of my life hiding the things I’m most passionate about out of fear of judgement or rejection. I had decided it was easier and safer to just blend in and remain unnoticed. That’s no way to live, and it’s surely not going to lead to any positive change or fulfillment.

Perhaps many of you can relate to the feeling of wanting to keep to yourself. Over the years though I’ve realized how important it is to stand up for what you believe in and help out in whatever way you can. Because of this I’ve created not only this whole Ramen Phase website, but also started social media channels in an attempt to continue to inspire anyone considering making a change of their own.

In this spirit, I’m putting myself out here now by inviting you to follow my journey if you’re interested. This is no popularity contest, I couldn’t care less about that stuff. Here it is, all out in the open… no more hiding!

(The Ramen Phase social channels are in the header and footer of this site.
The ones here are my personal sprattandcat ones.)

Site Design and Color Scheme

Though unconventional, our quirky instant noodle theme and unique combination of colors are ‘steeped’ in meaning. Allow me to explain:


Inclusivity. The Ramen Phase desires to be a welcoming place for anyone, no matter where you are in your journey. The images are intended to be fun and symbolic.


Energy. This thematic color is also the most energizing of the color wheel. There is nothing dull or lazy about what entrepreneurs undertake. Orange represents this energy that charges us up – bringing a spark of life and drive to our pursuits.


Passion. Reds are often used to express both love and aggression, and in this case we’ve chosen a deeper shade we call cranberry. This color represents our depth of passion as well as the ferocity with which we tackle each challenge.


Freedom. Blues and greens are calming and peaceful colors, and we use a seafoam bluish-green to evoke the feeling of freedom. This path rewards dedication and commitment with numerous types of freedom – time, finances, creativity, and more.


Humility. This color is reminiscent of the humble ramen noodle, permeating every area of this site to give us a consistent foundation of humility. While we must not lose sight of where we’re going, it is equally as vital to never forget where we came from.