Can Money Buy Happiness? – Ep. 2 – Root of All Evil

POSTED JUN 13, 2022

Image credit: Freddie Collins

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Image credit: Freddie Collins

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When it comes to discussing whether or not money can positively affect our mood, our satisfaction, and our overall fulfillment in life there is something that needs to be addressed –

‘money is the root of all evil.’

Would you agree?

I can see how this might be an appealing point of view. Many terrible things have surely been done out of greed, jealousy, or a thirst for the power that money can bestow. It seems to lead us to the conclusion that money is at fault here.

It is not. In cases like these, money is simply the scapegoat for a whole host of other issues.

The truth is, money is a tool – a means to an end. Tools are things we use in order to accomplish our desires and whims. The money itself is not the problem. The problem arises when we develop a skewed or unhealthy relationship with it. When we then use it improperly or unjustly, the unpleasant outcome reflects poorly on the tool being used.

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On the other hand, money as a tool can be used to do much good in the world. There are a myriad of great businesses and nonprofits working endlessly to alleviate the tragedies of the world and help make life just a little bit better.

When used in such a way money can be a beautiful thing. Think about the last time you donated to a charity – was that money evil, or was it going to a good cause, a cause that was making a difference?

I choose to look at money this way because I know that it can create a real impact in so many areas of life. For me personally, my causes are helping animals in need and protecting the environment, and money is a necessary tool for both of these. For you it may be something different, and perhaps you can already recognize the good that this tool could do for your cause.

The next time this notion of ‘money is the root of all evil’ comes to mind or finds its way into conversation, take a pause and see if you can detect what the real issue is in that situation, rather than shifting the blame onto the money itself.

This article is part of a series:

Can Money Buy Happiness?

WELLNESSCan Money Buy Happiness? – Ep. 1 – The Gas Guzzler
WELLNESSCan Money Buy Happiness? – Ep. 2 – Root of All Evil


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