Mentorship | Inspiration | Support | Outreach

Welcome to a community dedicated to supporting and mentoring those with a desire to make an impact in the world through starting their own business or nonprofit. Whether you’re a new entrepreneur just figuring things out or you’re still employed and simply aspiring to escape the corporate hell that ensnares so many of us so that you can take back your life and find fulfillment (*whew*, not bitter…), this group is made for you! MISO is a no-pressure, no-judgment space for anyone interested in starting off on their own to discover their purpose, build their future, and create a lasting change.

Haven’t had success yet? Not sure what you even want to do ‘when you grow up?’ Lacking confidence or skills? That’s what we’re here for!

MISO is a community project – the more we contribute, the more everyone will benefit from the group. There will be daily topics or questions posted, but the real value comes when group members participate and share their experiences and advice related to that topic. Help out others on this journey by adding to the conversation!

Find Us in Two Places:

Join our MISO Facebook Group for free!

If you’re looking for more structured guidance and bonus content,
check out our MISO+ Patreon!

MISO Facebook Group

This is our free-to-join community for anyone interested in learning more about this path, those currently working on starting or growing a business or nonprofit, or anyone seeking support and motivation along the way.

Please feel free to start your own discussions or join in with those of others wherever you can offer your own experiences. This is a great place to connect with others who are on this same journey and build each other up!

MISO+ Patreon

The MISO+ Patreon is our paid community which offers much more structured and guided content. There are six tiers, each with increasing amounts of valuable content and features. And not only are you receiving this added mentorship and support, but by joining our Patreon you’re also helping to support The Ramen Phase and our mission to help passionate people find fulfillment by creating the impact and lifestyle they most desire!

At the lowest tier, we post thought-provoking conversation-starters based on the MISO acronym – Mentorship, Inspiration, Support, and Outreach. Here is a breakdown of those posts:

Our weekly schedule:


Monday | [M] Mentorship

Mentors not only have experience and valuable insights to share, they can also help keep you motivated and accountable. We benefit from both encouragement and reality checks, so finding someone who can offer you constructive feedback as well as support is essential. That’s a big part of what this group is all about – building each other up in a supportive atmosphere, while still being able to offer helpful feedback and encouragement to grow into our best selves.

mentorship: (noun)
the guidance provided by a mentor, especially an experienced person in a company or educational institution
Oxford Languages

Posts and discussions to level-up your knowledge and mindset

Tuesday | [I] Inspiration

Inspiration is the currency of creativity, and without creativity there is no innovation or novelty. When we create anything, we need that emotional and intellectual pull of inspired thought. Without it our work can seem tired, empty, and forced, and our lives end up stressed, monotonous, and without a sense of purpose. Inspiration has the power to pull us out of that apathy, to remind us of what is meaningful to us, and to get us to think in terms of possibilities. It brings out our natural sense of wonder, leading to a greater appreciation of what is and what could be.

inspiration: (noun)
a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea; the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative
Oxford Languages

Posts and discussions to spark creativity, boost motivation, and share insights

Wednesday | [S] Support

By joining a supportive group, we are introduced to new ways of thinking, new opportunities and resources, some bonus encouragement, and most importantly, people with a common journey ahead. Entrepreneurial loneliness is a real thing, and if you’re working on your own, with no ‘work buddies,’ scheduling weird hours, and operating toward a vision that, for the time being, exists only in your head, it can become a very isolating experience quite quickly. This sort of isolation takes its toll on our motivation, self-confidence, and general happiness. And remember, it’s happiness that leads to success, not the other way around!

support: (noun)
give approval, comfort, or encouragement to; be actively interested in and concerned for the success of
Oxford Languages

Posts and discussions to encourage, reassure, and build up everyone

Thursday | [O] Outreach

Outreach is a category which encourages building businesses that are win-win-wins – benefiting not only the business itself through profit and fulfillment but also the customers and wider community through impact and ethics. Those two elements, impact and ethics, will form the foundation of our outreach component. Impact – creating something that will be of benefit or fill some need. Ethics – the values, integrity, and responsibility which guide a person or business in their decisions.

outreach: (noun)
an organization’s involvement with or activity in the community, especially in the context of social welfare
Oxford Languages

Posts and discussions about impact, ethics, responsibility, and giving back

Friday | Book Club

If we are looking to start or grow a business, we must first grow ourselves – let’s start by reading. In the short-term, reading helps ease stress and provides us with information and inspiration. Over the long-term we gain expertise, refine our skills, and become more creative. Sadly, many of us are probably not reading a whole lot. In fact, Americans on average read about one book per year, whereas most CEOs read over 50 per year! Let’s shoot for reading one book per week to keep pace with those whose success we wish to emulate or at least learn from.

book club: (noun)
a group of people who meet regularly to discuss books that all the members have read
Oxford Languages

We-ran-out-of-letters Book Club:
Weekly personal and professional growth book club with discussions

Saturday | Welcome!

MISO is an ever-growing community and we want to make it a point to recognize our newest members! Saturdays will be the days to do just this. Please join us in welcoming in those who are joining us, and if you’re the newbie – introduce yourself!

welcome: (verb)
greet (someone arriving) in a glad, polite, or friendly way
Oxford Languages

Welcome New Members:
A weekly post to welcome new members. Remember to introduce yourself to the group!

Sunday | Wins & Intentions

Our Sunday posts will be for Weekly Wins & Intentions! These posts are a place to share your successes from the past week and tell us your goals for the coming week. Let’s celebrate the wins together and encourage each other to reach our goals!

win: (noun)
a successful result in a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavor; a victory
intention: (noun)
a thing intended; an aim or plan
Oxford Languages

Share your week’s successes and set your goals for the coming week

For more information on the various tiers and content associated with each, please visit the MISO+ page on Patreon!