The Journey of a Thousand Miles…

“The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Lao Tzu

These wise words are familiar to most of us. Ancient Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu knew that a challenge can seem daunting when viewed as a whole, but is manageable and achievable when broken down into simple tasks. What once was an impossible trek is now just that first tiny step.

I have nowhere near the wisdom of Lao Tzu, but allow me to add just another layer to this concept.

If anyone here has ever planned a literal thousand-mile hike, you quickly discovered that there are A LOT of things you would need – food, water, sleeping arrangements, first aid supplies, and proper footwear, to name a few. Without any of these things your journey would be very short indeed.

All this leads us to the idea that having the proper tools and equipment is the essential starting point before taking that first step. So if I may…

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a sturdy pair of shoes.

For all of us starting out on our entrepreneurial thousand-mile journeys, let us take the time to equip ourselves with the necessary tools and resources so that when we take that first step, we set off prepared for what is to come.

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